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IFVP Montclair 2019 Meeting Global Visual Culture

Lucinda Levine and I are co-chairing the 2019 IFVP Conference to be held at Montclair State University’s School of Communication and Media, July 30-August 2 in Montclair, New Jersey USA. Early bird registration has just opened with the conference-only rate $1250USD. Conference information and registration can be found at

We are so excited about the 4 conference tracks that run through the theme of Meeting Global Visual Culture and the keynote speakers who will present in each category. More information about the conference will be coming in the next few weeks. In the meantime check in with our Facebook group and join the conversation!


Thomas E. Franklin is an award-winning photographer, multimedia journalist, and educator at Montclair State University. Best known for his iconic flag-raising photograph taken at Ground
Zero on September 11, 2001, his widely recognized image was featured on the United States Postal Service fundraising Heroes stamp. Proceeds have generated over $10 million dollars for those affected by 9/11.


As a coach and consultant, Aleemna Wraye specializes in working with leaders who are committed to influencing culture by taking on their own development. She has spent the last 25 years coaching individuals and teams in breakthrough performance through creating profound commitments as a source of motivation and committed action. She serves on the advisory board of Integral Coaches.


Rob Evans is the co-founder of Imaginal Labs LLC. Rob Evans is a master at working with courageous leaders to help them align and mobilize their teams to accomplish the things of which they dream. Rob is one of the worlds leading experts at designing and delivering the innovative DesignShop Process and other collaborative workshops.


A panel of our IFVP peers who lead their own Facilitation and Graphic Recording companies will share their successes (and failures!) in how they evolved their business models. Come prepared with questions or feel free to send some of the questions and topics that you'd like to see addressed by the panel. Email